
Card #

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Card Information

Alicia B.
August 7, 2024
Madison, OH

Alicia was one of my former Sailors while we were attached to Fighter Squadron 31. Every year I embark on a two week motorcycle trip around the country to visit with Sailors that I had the honor and pleasure of serving with and those that had worked for me and helped me along my 30 year career in the U.S. Navy. Alicia reached out and asked if I would be riding through OH this year (June), and I said I would. Alicia asked me if I could ride through Madison, and I said absolutely. Alicia and I met up for lunch, and did a data dump of each others lives for the past 22 years since we had last seen one another. I was deeply touched and humbled by her graciousness and kind words of how I had made a positive impact on her life; and then to hear how she now had a masters degree and was working as the HR supervisor for the county that she lived in and worked for. After lunch as I was getting ready to get back on my motorcycle Alicia handed me this card and she gave me a brief explanation and we said goodbye until next time. Then this morning, I reached into my motorcycle jacket after getting off the bike at work and realized that I still need to pass this card along.