
Card #

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Card Information

March 4, 2020
La Crosse

This month, I am choosing to give the 7 of Hearts to Melody. Melody is celebrating her 10th(?) year here at Aptiv. She has been a consistent and supportive staff who is flexible when we need to change her schedule and willing to work with anyone that we need in that moment. She asks good questions when she doesn’t know something, and she also takes feedback well and tries to grow and learn from it. Her dedication and support to our participants is evident because she is usually one of the first people here every morning, even if she isn’t scheduled until 8. I have never seen Melody in a bad mood or even frustrated, and she is always speaking so kindly about all participants and staff and laughing at the goofiness of daily life here. Thank you, Melody, for your time and energy you have put into Aptiv and Day Services, and thank you for the overall presence that you bring!