
Card #

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Card Information

I received the book in a swag bag at a professional leadership conference.
January 8, 2018
Orlando, Florida, US

The day before the leadership conference, I attended a vision board workshop. I have never made one before, nor have I ever considered making one. When I saw the announcement for the workshop, I immediately signed up based on the person leading it. Beverly Lewis, the author of Win from Within, is such an uplifting and inspirational person. I did not want to miss the opportunity to attend a workshop she was hosting. While looking through magazines for vision board pictures, I noticed an advertisement including the words “Get Inspired.” Unsure of the reason and unable to connect these words to anything significant in my life, I went ahead and cut them out. They were rather large, so I put them front and center of my board. I felt that the meaning would come to me in the coming weeks. I have recently been feeling the need to do more, volunteer more, make a difference! Several months last year, I found myself saying, “Everyone can do ONE THING to help others.” After reading this book, “Significance,” I have found inspiration and confidence. No matter how big or small, everything I do makes a difference. I just need to be more mindful and ensure that “I AM” making a positive difference.