My friend Amanda Webb gave me the book Significance with the card in back when I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. The book meant so much to me because through this journey I get to experience so many amazing moments and meet some pretty fantastic people who may not know how they positively affected my life when I needed it the most!! I am sharing the card with my best friend Caitlin who came to help me for the weekend after one of my chemotherapy treatments. There are so many people who have offered me so much support through this journey that i honestly do not think I could make it through without. Caitlin does not judge me and is open to everything I say to her, although she has currently so much going on in her own life(new job, moving, buying a new home, selling an old home) she always has time to listen to me complain, cry and laugh and always offers some really good advice. I love you and thank you!