
Card #

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Card Information

Ann Mattingly, our Family Resource Coordinator
December 8, 2016
Campbellsville, KY, USA

Ann goes above and beyond for our students. She is the Family Resource Director for our large elementary school. She makes sure our students have clothes, school supplies, and the support they need. She administers our Angel Tree program at Christmas and our weekly Backpack food program. She goes on home visits to help students and their families get the help they need. As an administrator, I rely on her daily to help students and parents. I realize that I take her for granted sometimes. But I know most schools are not fortunate enough to have a “Miss Ann”. The other night, while I was at Walmart, she and her daughter were shopping for a student who had not received an Angel Tree gift. Last night, she organized a Shop with the Shriners event and went shopping with students. I just can’t express enough how much she means to me and to all our students and families.