
Card #

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Card Information

I received this card from Sheryl after helping her with a skill fair at Edgerton Hospital. This is an event where we do mandatory education for all of our staff and Sheryl supports this endeavor making it efficient and fun. I have chosen to pass it along to “Skeeter”, one of our EVS staff at the hospital.
December 8, 2016
Edgerton Wisconsin

This card sat on my desk for a few days while I pondered who to give it to or even if I wanted to participate. Then Merle “Skeeter” as she prefers to be called, made a difference by the grace and poise she displayed after suffering a terrible personal loss. I was reminded by her of how a hospital is a community of people serving the community that surrounds the building where we happen to be located. Within these walls we experience life together. With respect…….Bobby.