
Card #

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Card Information

Custer County Sheriff Wheeler
August 10, 2016
Custer, South Dakota United States

Sheriff Wheeler walked into the Custer County Communications Center midweek of the 2016 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The day had been a remarkably quiet day to this point and he not so innocently remarked upon the fact, dropped this card, 7 of hearts side up on my desk and sat down. Anyone who dispatches or is a first responder, knows that it is BAD luck to walk into a dispatch office and say the word QUIET. Within minutes the 911 lines were lit up and we had 2 motorcycle accidents with injuries. Once we got everything back to “normal”, I read the back of the card. “Today-YOU made a difference, by making a simple moment ……. Significant.” I sat back in my chair and thought about that for quite awhile before I logged in to see what journey this card had taken to get to me….turns out it started with me! You just never know when you are going to make a difference in someone’s life! Receiving this card was an instant wake up call to always be mindful of my words and actions! Thanks Sheriff! And so begins card #33687’s journey.