
Card #

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Card Information

It was given to me by a speaker at a conference I attended. I intend to give it to someone makes an impact on my life just by a small simple moment.
July 10, 2018
Gorham, Maine

My story isn’t great or significant I’m a 16 year old girl who lives in a small town. I work at a fast food place and I spend my days like any other teenager hanging out with friends. What may set me apart from other people is I struggle with an anxiety disorder, moderat depression, and a few other problems that not many people face. This may not seem special but to me it has changed my outlook on everything. I’ve suffered a lot of loss since a young age and it’s taught me so much about compassion and what a simple smile can do for someone. I don’t let anything hold me back, I fight through everything hat give me anxiety and I’ve always made it out of depressive spells. Receiving and passing on this card means so much to me I hope anyone who receives one recognizes the honor it is and passes it along to maybe brighten sosmiens day.