
Card #

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Card Information

I received this card from a seminar Jon was the Keynote at.
September 27, 2017
Albany, NY

Jon touched me with his story and it made an impact on me at a time in my life things have been looking bleak at work and I was just going to give up. Not on life just in my career and the direction I want to go. I didn’t believe in myself, my abilities or that anything I did made a difference anymore. He made me think and realize I am not a “just a” and what I do does have a positive impact on others and to not give up.

I am giving this card to a dear friend who has listened to me when I just needed to vent and who has also been there when I need a friend to do something as important to me as feeding my cat so I can go to the seminar and hear the story of the 7 of Hearts!