
Card #

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Card Information

I received this card at the 2017 SHRM conference after listening to wonderful keynote speaker, Jon Petz share his story.
June 18, 2017
New Orleans, Louisiana

At the end of this past year I found myself lost for awhile in what I wanted to do with my life. Didn’t feel like I had much of a purpose when it came to my profession. After being discouraged from my first job out of school (which was what I went to college for) I was given an opportunity to join the HR team of a human services organization under the supervision of one of the most inspiring HR professionals I know. Throughout my time with this agency I am finding my groove in HR and feel that I have discovered my purpose. I owe all my current and future success to the person who gave me the chance to be apart of their HR team and to find my purpose. And so, I pass this card onto them.