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Card Information

Jon Petz
January 30, 2020
Toledo, OH USA

Share My story? Another annual conference, another company banquet, another year…
Then Jon woke us up in the morning of 1/30/20 at 9:06am during our company’s morning energizer. If you seen Jon’s performance before you then know how I would and could remember the exact date and time. Jon is by far the best speaker I have ever witnessed or even took the time to really listen to. He spoke to me, got through to me at maybe a time that was needed the most for me and I didn’t realize it till this moment . A time that was necessary and needed. Little moments like this that add up and compound on each other… at least that’s how I see it. Jon Petz is easy to find online, do yourself a favor and look him up.
Thank you Jon and thank you, You. The person reading this, you would not be here, in here, if you weren’t someone great, someone astonishing, someone that made that little difference, that moment.