On October 29, 2017, around 4:50 (eastern time) I was informed that I would no longer be able to fly on the plane because there were no seats open on the plane. That’s when I started to freak out, what if I lost my connection flight home? What if I didn’t make it home? Not only that but I’m going to make it home much later than planned and still have to go to school the next day. This lady popped out of nowhere and told the agents that she would let me have her seat so I wouldn’t be separated from my FFA chapter. I can describe how thankful I am, why did this lady drop her first class tickets to let a teenager be able to go home. I guess this question will have to stick beside me the rest of my life unanswered. If you are that stranger who gave up her seat and are reading this right now, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than words and actions can describe.Once, again Thank you!!!