Received this card at a Human Resources conference along with the book Significance, while hearing the story of Nathan in the conference I cried. then went to room that evening and read the book, I have always tried to teach my daughters to look around and to know their worth as a child of mine but more importantly as a child of God. And that they have a purpose on this earth but never thought of telling them about the small purposes. Until now I have passed this book on to them and the look on my 17 year old daughters face was amazing. She is going through so many emotions right now going into her senior year of high school and she actually said to me “I’m going to slow down a little not feel so rushed and just enjoy the days with my classmates, eyes wide open and a smile on my face and not worry so much about the rush to find my place as an adult”. Even if we worry about tomorrow so much is happening today to enjoy so thank you and my daughter for a lesson I will not forget.