Last summer I started having some health issues that resulted in me seeing a neurologist. After several tests and appointments, I was informed that I have lesions on my brain and there was a possibility that I had MS. I spent the next few weeks thinking about my life, my dreams and what was really important to me. For years, I chased after a career – living to work and not working to live. I decided that I needed to change the way I looked at life, and that there is more to life than working, paying bills and trying to maintain a certain lifestyle. We only have one shot at this so why do we waste so much time worrying about the things that don’t really matter? I used to stress out about the smallest things and would quickly forget all the wonderful things in my life. I have always been grateful for the blessings in my life, but this experience opened my eyes and today I am truly grateful for EVERYTHING, including the things most people don’t think about being grateful for, like walking. Fortunately, my story ends with a negative diagnosis of MS. The experience of not knowing what my future would be like allowed me to look at life differently. I changed my priorities and today my life is more full because of those few weeks.