Read The Stories
The journey of cards travelling around the world.
The journey of cards travelling around the world.

- In Indianapolis Indiana at the National FFA Convention.
- October 31, 2017
Jon Petz gave it to me at the National FFA Convention after his presentation to thousands of FFA members. I received it on Friday October 27th,2017.
Mr. Petz’s story about Nathan made me feel a sense of appreciation for what I do as an Agriculture teacher. Many times we are brought into a students life as well as his or her families lives. On two different occasions students have come to me sharing a near tragedy. Both situations are different and not related in any way, other than the fact that both students had thought about suicide. They shared their stories and circumstances, thanking me for being a good listener as well as a friend. The FFA often times has the ability to reach students in ways other classes may not. Whether it is through FFA activities or hands on curriculum, students develop a sense of trust with Agriculture teachers. Both of the students thanked me for helping them change their minds. One student said, ” because you kept me busy and gave me a purpose, I could not do something to my body that would be forever. You gave me a reason to live…… I think as a person, I have come to understand that something that seems insignificant to me, can be a big deal to someone else. Mother Teresa once said, ” To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” As people living on this earth, we all have the responsibility to keep filling that lamp with the oil of caring and love.
- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- October 31, 2017
This card was recieved at the 90th National FFA Convention and Expo held in Indianpolis on October 27-29th, 2017. I will give this card to a colleague at college in Colorado.
I was one of the attendees at the 90th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis where Jon Petz was a keynote speaker. This is where the card started. His story was amazing and the fact that little acts of kindness (like random acts of kindness), can mean a lot more than you think when you do them for others, hit home. Different people have different stories and hardships that they face, but we’re all in the same boat together and we can all make a difference if we take the time to step up and step out of our comfort zones. The little things truly do matter in life, so make the best and most of them while they last. I’m a college student who is studying to be a teacher and I hope to share and pass on this story to my students one day.
- Indianapolis, Indiana United States of America
- October 30, 2017
Jon Petz at the 90th FFA National Convention and Expo A stranger at the airport
On October 29, 2017, around 4:50 (eastern time) I was informed that I would no longer be able to fly on the plane because there were no seats open on the plane. That’s when I started to freak out, what if I lost my connection flight home? What if I didn’t make it home? Not only that but I’m going to make it home much later than planned and still have to go to school the next day. This lady popped out of nowhere and told the agents that she would let me have her seat so I wouldn’t be separated from my FFA chapter. I can describe how thankful I am, why did this lady drop her first class tickets to let a teenager be able to go home. I guess this question will have to stick beside me the rest of my life unanswered. If you are that stranger who gave up her seat and are reading this right now, I want you to know that I appreciate you more than words and actions can describe.Once, again Thank you!!!
- Eagle Point, OR
- October 29, 2017
My Mom gave it to me after she received it at the 90th National FFA Convention. She thought it would be a great gift for me to learn about for my 10th birthday. I will pass it on to my brother Brayden.
I heard this story during a session at the 90th National FFA Convention. I hope this card goes far and makes someone’s day.
- Indianapolis, Indiana USA
- October 29, 2017
The card was given to me at the 90th National FFA Convention.
I am 18 and a 6th generation farmer in Nebraksa. Whenever I get to come off of my small farm in rural Nebraska it is always a brand new learning experience. When I was 7 my younger brother, who was 3 at the time, was diagnosed with cancer. It was always kinda rough on my family, I didn’t know at the time but looking back at my life I knew a lot was kept secret from me about what all happened, but I had to be quiet about it for my brother. This had me so much more mature for my age well between that and growing up on a farm has always taught me that life is short an never take it for granted. It has now been almost 8 years since my brother has been cancer free and my family and I are all still together. I know my story could have been so much different but I am glad it was not. So my big take away that I would like to share is: life is short do what you love with who you love and don’t take that time for granted.
- Indianapolis, Indiana United States
- October 29, 2017
I received the card from John petz. I will be giving my card to the passengers sitting next to me in the plane.
I received my card at a the National FFA Convention and Mr.Petz was out keynote speaker. His story inspired me to pass on my card.
- Indianapolis, Indiana, United States or America
- October 29, 2017
Recieved from Mr.Petz Giving to southwest flight attendant
I received the cars in honor of Nathan from Mr.Perz at the National FFA Leadership Conference and now I am traveling back to California and I’m sharing his story by passing it onto my flight attendant I hopes she will find Nathan’s family
- Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
- October 28, 2017
I was given this card at the 2017 National FFA Convention and Expo