Read The Stories

The journey of cards travelling around the world.

The journey of cards travelling around the world.



Jon Petz

I was lucky enough to attend an event where Jon shared his story- so touching and inspirational! He shared cards with us so we can share them with people who impact us with their gift of kindness. This card will start its journey at my work and I hope it has a long and joyous trip, sharing the stories and the love behind the message.



The music teacher at my school gave it to me.



Mr. Snyder music teacher.

I work with Pre-K kiddos and some other students that need a little encouragement with their education and behavior.

Elizabeth Ellis


got it at an engagement with Jon Petz. Will pass it on to The Children's Center Rehabilitation Hospital

I was deeply moved by hearing the story of Jon and Nathan. I in turn will be passing this to my mother who works at the Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital in Bethany, OK. Their slogan is Miracles Happen Here, and hope that they book Jon for a show! It was the best hour of my life this morning and really gave me a new perspective on how I can make a difference!



JON PETZ Gave it to me in his book

I work for a school district. Jon came as a guest speaker. I receive the card in the book he gave me.






My Director

I am currently working a temp job for a great location and my director gave me this book. After reading it, it truly changed the way that I view myself. I’ve always said that I’m just me, just a mom, just a daughter, just a sister and grandmother, etc. Since reading this book, all of that has changed for me and I now know that I’m not just a anything. That I am enough. I’m a great mom and grandmother, daughter, friend, co-worker, and sister. I am worthy and important. I’m so grateful to Allison for giving me this book and whether or not I stay in this position for a short or long time, I will never forget her and the kindness that she and the rest of the team has shown me. Most of all, I’m grateful to Allison for helping me realize that I am enough.









Kathy Leighton gave it to me

I was selected by my school to attend Maine Youth Leadership, which is a four-day seminar surrounding three key terms of leadership, volunteerism, and character. During my experience, Kathy Leighton, one of the seminar’s tri-chairs told the story of a man named John who influenced the life of a boy who was terminally ill and was hospitalized. The boys name was Nathan, and he loved things regarding magic and magicians. So, John with his many passions, came in and put on a show for Nathan unknowingly that he would pass away eight hours later. One of the tricks involved a 7 of hearts playing card that Nathan had written his name on. That experience impacted Nathan and his family in such a positive way, giving them a break from the tragedy of Nathan’s illness. This inspires me to want to impact the lives of many, and I hope that one day a 7 of hearts playing card returns to Nathan’s family because of how John impacted them.