Read The Stories

The journey of cards travelling around the world.

The journey of cards travelling around the world.



Jon Petz

Jon spoke at our IT conference for local government IT people. The story moved all of us and I want to spread the story and acknowledge new ones.



Jon Petz

Jon spoke at our IT conference for local government IT people. The story moved all of us and I want to spread the story and acknowledge new ones.




Giving to cydney my Occupational therapist.
She is inspiring me to take my hurt finger further and further. Even though she hurts me…she is helping get better one moment at a time.



I recieved it from my son's partner and will be sending it on to Rachel Grant

I received the book ‘Significance’ by Jon Petz on X-mas day. It was given to me by my son’s partner, who explained that she thought it was the perfect book for me because of the impact I’ve had on her. She went on to say that she appreciates my encouragement and support through some difficult situations and that the way I just live my life is inspiring. Those kind words took me aback at the moment, and I’ve been taking some time to receive them. In the days after I read the book, I found that I really identified with so many things—including being down that road in my life where I’ve felt that I was not good enough. At the very end of the book, I found the 7 of hearts card and the encouragement to share my story and pass it on. I knew who I will be sending that 7 of hearts to–Rachel Grant-Abuse and Recovery Coach.
I found Rachel at the point in my healing journey where I felt stuck, overwhelmed and unloveable. Her care and coaching have forever changed my life. During our work together, I have been challenged and now feel self-empowered in many ways. I appreciate that she openly talks about her own life and shares some really vulnerable things, including experiences that do not always go perfectly. She explains that mistakes can offer us opportunities to learn and move forward. I find that so inspiring and have come a long way in unraveling my perfectionism because of her acceptance and support. I have also benefited greatly from her care—cheering me on, notedly holding space for me, and nudging my growth.
Before my work with Rachel, I would have very rarely called myself ‘significant’ in anyone’s life. Because of the deep healing I’ve done and her compassion, I now know and believe I am worthy. This book also reaffirms that the ordinary things I do every day—being who I am, even if its not done perfectly–and just the simple moments like showing up is what matters are key. I look forward to seeing where this 7 of hearts travels and who it touches.



I will give it to a patient.

I was given this card by a patient and member of a patient family advisory council. She gave me this card to look into this program. I think its so fun that you can track this card and read all the stories. I’m going to give this card to a patient in our office that helps another patients in a kind, caring, loving way. #NotJUSTa #7ofhearts



I will give it to a patient who goes above and beyond

I was given this card by a patient and member of a patient family advisory council. She gave me this card to look into this program. I think its so fun that you can track this card and read all the stories. I’m going to give this card to a patient in our office that helps another patients in a kind, caring, loving way. #NotJUSTa #7ofhearts



John Petz

I was at a sales conference in Cancun ,and was given the card. .MAKE A DIFFERANCE



Jon Petz

received the card at a company outing in Cancun .Jon was the motivational speaker. He made a difference,and so can you.




Catherine is a client partner, but really more than that. I remember the first time I met her in wash DC at VLS, and I knew she was more than “just” a HR person. Catherine is willing to share her talents and time to help JR professionals all over the state become better at what they each do – and seeks to improve the industry as a whole.
Thank you Catherine, for all you do and making us all b etter people!




Brett at Cashman’s has embodied exactly what the 7 of Hearts means. He always took extra effort and time to best solve a problem and provide amazing service and support. What many may see as a mundane moment, Brett made important and significant. Thank you Brett !