Read The Stories

The journey of cards travelling around the world.

The journey of cards travelling around the world.



National FFA Convention Speaker

I have had my card since attending the National FFA Convention where Jon spoke to my FFA members on making a differance in the lives of others. I have carried it in my wallett knowing someday someone would make a difference in my life and it would be a special moment. I recently found myself at a extreme low in my life with chronic back pain. After a long 6 months of cripling pain I had my family take me to the ER. During my stay I was fortunate to have a young nurse go above and beyond the call of duty in making sure my needs were met while keeping me as comfortable as possible. Her name is Alex. I want her to know that she made a difference in my days while at the hospital. Her warm heart and genuine smile were a daily blessing. I appreciate her talent & skills as a nurse. She truly has a genuine desire to take care of people to the best of her abilities. I want to wish her the best of luck in her career as a nurse and I forsee her as becoming a great leader in her career. Thank you Alex, you now own my 7 of hearts. I hope you recognize someone in your life someday who made a special moment significant.






From Tracy M.

A move to a new state for a new job brought anxiety and loneliness. A new co worker mentioned a free ceramics class at the National Historical Park in Lowell MA. I met her at the class excited to finally get out of my routine in my new home state. Meeting new people and hearing more of Tracy’s stories while getting my hands messy with clay was the first moment after my move that I felt like myself again. Tracy rewarded me with the 7 of Hearts for picking up our fired and final ceramic pieces – however the real thanks go to her for getting me out of the house! We are excited to watch this card’s journey!



Community Blood Center



Jon Petz

I received the card from John after his performance for Redwood Credit Union’s Day of Inspiration event. The next day at work, during our team huddle we were discussing what we liked best about Day of Inspiration and many agreed Jon’s performance was the best part. A coworker mentioned he was bummed he didn’t grab one of the 7 of hearts cards while he had the chance. Knowing I had received two (7 of hearts) cards from Jon, I left one on my coworker’s desk while he was at lunch, without mentioning who it was from…



John Petz



A customer at the diner I work at

Just a girl trying to be happy and raise my beautiful daughter the best I can:)



Jon petz



I received this card from my management team at work. I am going to give it to my son's 4th grade teacher.

After reading Significance, I will take more time to show my appreciation for the little things in life. Teachers really have a thankless job but my son 4th grade teacher has really impressed me with her attention to the kids in her class and her responsiveness to the parents as well. I want her know that she has made a positive impact on me and I can see a huge difference in my son enthusiasm to learning. She is certainly not JUST a teacher, Mrs. R. is a blessing.



Andrea Reine-Wales

Kindness Matters
A simple moment that I have experienced many times, giving a kid a candy or drink at our events and seeing the smile and reaction for them and their parents. All moments big or small matter, and down the road you may see results. Maybe it will return to you in the same manner or you may not realize it right away.

Putting a smile on someone’s face – Someone thought that I coud make a difference and asked me to become a LION and so I did. And fundraising and community service projects for many years still bring a great feeling to me knowing that the money and the experience of giving back to our communities make others better but also makes you and other Lions better. And it cost nothing on your part other than a smile