Never JUST anything!
#NotJUSTa #7ofHearts

Read Stories

“The Journey of Cards Traveling in The World”

29 May
  • locationMoore, Oklahoma, USA
  • How?my work

#76562 Teresa

I am 58 years old. I have been couped up in my apartment pretty much since the schools went on spring break, March 13, 2020. I have two grown children, and a grandchild that have my heart, we just recently started being together again for our weeking family night, because of Covid 19 we have communicated but not been together. I am going to a late lunch today with my daughter and grandbaby, it will be my first time at a restaurant since all of this began. I am so happy to hopefully see the end of this. It was very lonely.

13 May
  • locationMissouri, Lake st. Louis
  • How?I work at sonic, a customer

#66494 Lauren

13 May
  • locationMissouri, Lake st. Louis
  • How?I work at sonic, a customer

#66494 Lauren

27 Apr
  • locationSALT LAKE CITY, Utah, USA
  • How?Jon Petz

#88909 Lark

Jon spoke at our NSA group during our December holiday party. He did a great job presenting on speaking skills. Jon gave away two books, and I was fortunate enough to receive one. I told him how my 19 year old son had died by suicide just 11 months earlier and how I was writing a book about my journey through all the loss and grief. Jon's inspiring story about Nathan created a strong desire in me to speak to larger groups about the importance of suicide prevention. I realized my willingness to share my story could change the lives of many people.

21 Apr
  • locationEau Claire, WI, U.S.
  • How?My boss

#32635 Jacinda

I have worked as a DSP in an adult family home for almost 6 years now. During my first year, a woman started as the program supervisor and has been the best boss I’ve ever had, not to mention confidant and friend. Fast forward to today — I am now program supervisor and she is the area director for our company. Today, I received a card in the mail from her, handwritten, with this 7 of Hearts card in it.

16 Apr
  • locationLouisville, KY
  • How?KASA Conference

#10204 Doug

The card was in the back of the book “Significance in Simple Moments.” After reading the book, I felt the need to pass on the 7of hearts to my friend since she was dealing with a difficult situation.

13 Apr
  • locationLake Charles, La
  • How?A customer

#77643 Dena

I work in a gift shop in a casino. Some guests are not so nice, intoxicated, rude, or in a hurry. This guest was really kind & gave me his 7 of hearts card. This type of guest makes our night! I've been home for weeks, waiting for the quarantine to be over. I found the card while cleaning up, completely forgot about it! Nice surprise.

11 Apr
  • locationHilliard OH, USA
  • How?Ashley

#54799 Donata

I am an urgent care doctor seeing patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. One patients I saw today gave me this card for being open and taking care of her.

10 Apr
  • locationNew Albany, Ohio
  • How?My boss Chris passed it to me, I will pass...

#14121 Leslie

My boss received the book from his friend and former boss Stephanie as a gift. He passed it to me and I will pass it to my coworker. It gives you a great perspective on how to view yourself and the impact you are making by simply being kind and courteous which is something that unfortunately is not being taught to children today.

09 Apr
  • locationToledo, OH
  • How?Jon Petz

#82418 Sherry

I received the card from Jon at conference to pass on to someone who makes a difference. I am passing the card onto TJ TATE. She is the GM at a hotel who has done more than go above and beyond during the Covid-19 Pandemic. She considered every employees personal situation before any one was furloughed. The majority of staff elected to stay on with reduce hours or salary which shows staff dedication to her and the compassion she has for each and everyone of us. She puts in long hours, works multiple positions EVERY DAY (even before the Covid-19 Pandemic). She remains optimistic for our property, it's employees, and clientele which is very much needed in a time of so much chaos and uncertainty.