Read The Stories
The journey of cards travelling around the world.
The journey of cards travelling around the world.
My boss said he couldn’t think of anyone who works harder and he wanted me to know how much he appreciates me. What a great boss!!!!
I work in the Head Start program in Southwest Mo. I was given a copy of the book and when I read it I knew I wanted to share it with staff in the program. I shared the story about Nathan and the 7 of Heart with our bus drivers and gave each of them a 7 of Hearts card to thank them for making a difference with children and families. I told them that they are not “just a bus driver”. I told them they might never know how one simple moment of connection with a child or parent might have a life-changing impact.
- July 27, 2020
It came in the mail with the book from Missouri Can Community Action Agency Network.
I say and think the word “just” a lot until now. God willing, the book will go to one of my daughters, the card to one of my grand-daughters. It just could be the beginning to breaking a generational curse of defeat and depression,
It was put in my tip jar during a gig — thank you to whoever did this! 🙂
- West Plains/Missouri/USA
- July 18, 2020
I will be giving this to my granddaughter, Harper
After reading Nathan’s story and drying my tears, I have come to realize that even though I know the meaning that is being conveyed, it is very easy to forget the significance of the simple moments. We all need a little push to stop and smell the roses so to speak. Life is so fast paced at this time with technology being what it is, I will forward the book and the card to benefit not only our granddaughter but her mommy and daddy as well. Thank you so much for the 7 of hearts and Nathan! I received the book from Missouri Community Action Network origination, whom I donate to every pay period.
Community Action proud! Serving eight counties in mid Missouri through education, employment, housing, health & wellness, and emergency supports. Proud mom of two beautiful young men who are educators and inspiring to their family and community.
The book was donated to our mental health unit in a community hospital where I work. I am a therapist and was drawn to the title. I decided to review it before placing it on our patient bookshelf. Alas, I couldn’t place it randomly on THAT bookshelf – fearing that it’s beauty and significance would be lost if I couldn’t share it in one of my therapeutic groups. I am it’s temporary owner as I use my talents to create a therapeutic group in which the patients and/or staff will be deeply touched, as well. THANK YOU!
One day a young girl came into see me at work. She needed help as she was new to the area. She had no job and no child care and I could tell she was stressed out about it all. She explained she had no family at all just her fiancé here. He was attending college in the area. I went on like I usually do with the spill of out there is preschool and other child care places and also directed her to the local job agency to help her find employment. I also handed her an application and said We are hiring also so you might apply here if you want. She said but I have no qualifications or specialties. I explained that everyone has specialties and qualities. Just apply and see what happens.
I have her many resources, just like I do with anyone who would walk in, but this was different. She broke down and thanked me for all the help and showed so much appreciation. We talked for quite a while and I gave her my card in case she needed anything else.
Later that week she called to say she had an interview set up already. She was so excited.
She ended up working with us and her child got into a preschool. Everyday I watched her grow into this amazing woman. Changing and maturing in ways I never really had personally watched. She needed up becoming a lead teacher, attending college and having another child. She blossomed into this independent, confident leader and it was inspiring to watch. Eventually she and her fiancé moved after he graduated and she went on to become a nurse. When I talked to her one day I explained my pride in her and how amazing it was to watch her grow. She replied with it was because you believed in the work you were doing and therefore believed in me like no one has ever done before. It inspired me to become someone. I thought I was simply just doing my job and didn’t realize the impact it had. She explained there she will never forget our chance encounter and will always remember me for believing in her when I didn’t even know her.
I grew up in the Missouri Foster Care System and was adopted at the age of 16. I always new if it wasn’t for the support system I had through my advocates team I wouldn’t be where I am today. I new that I wanted to be an advocate for some one when I grew up and that is why I work for community action.