Read The Stories

The journey of cards travelling around the world.

The journey of cards travelling around the world.



Carolyn, she is always so thoughtful. when she took me to the airport I had no idea she would hand me the book, she said I had made an impression on her life.. she did in mine too..I dont mind admitting for me I fell in love w/ Carolyn over the holidays.. We delivered meals on Thanksgiving day and something clicked in me after knowing her almost 5 months. I saw a BIG HEART in her and Knew I was in a rare moment of finding someone real. Not sure who I will pass it to next, Im watching carefully for that person..



I received it when I purchased Jon's book at an event.

I own a ropes course/team-building facility called Summit Vision in Columbus Ohio. My staff often say I am just a facilitator, just a support person or just a camp counselor. I run into people almost every day that thank me for the positive impact our organization and my staff have played in their lives. We often only see people for a few hours, but the impact of climbing 55′ up onto one of our courses is amazing. People tell me their time with us was life changing. Our focus is not on success of an activity, its about trying and then they get to grade the success for themselves. We do the same things day after day, but to the participant it is often a once in a life time experience. Thank you Jon for reminding us not to think of ourselves as a JUST A…



Jon Petz was the keynote speaker at the Oregon SHRM Employment & Law Conference. I picked up my card from his table. I wished I had picked up more!

I’m giving this card to my cousin Kay, of Independence, Oregon. A couple of years ago, my husband was in a horrible accident. I was so distraught having witnessed the event that I had the fireman use my phone to call Kay. She immediately dropped everything and met me at the hospital to provide me with needed guidance and support. There have been others who have been so giving of their time and support – in those small yet powerful moments – and Kay’s willingness to go out of her way to help can easily slip to the wayside. She makes a difference every day of her life. She continues her unwavering support of others in a truly selfless manner. I can’t thank her enough for being a rock for me and for others.



Sending the 7 of Hearts to Betty Taylor, Hamilton, Ohio's Citizen of the Year

Betty Taylor was named Citizen of the Year for helping children with their homework. The school noticed grade improvement and would ask each student why and Betty Taylor was the answer. Children, from the trailer park, come to her home after school. They all do their homework together and she feeds the group twice a week. The city of Hamilton had a check for Betty and she told them they wanted the money to go to charity. She and her children were always provided for with what they needed. What a great mission to provide value to the education of children. Betty is an inspiration and making a significant difference.



Ms. Lisa Baker from EPSB

My assistant principal, Doug Gloyd, and I are giving this card to Ms. Lisa Baker. Ms. Baker works for the Educational Professional Standards Board and did an outstanding job answering our certification questions. She went above and beyond providing outstanding customer service. As author Jon Gordon states, “You don’t have to be great to serve, but you have to serve to be great.” Thank you Ms. Lisa Baker



Purchased deck of cards to share with people that I notice making a simple moment significant. Can't wait to follow this cards journey!



Purchased deck of cards to share with people that I notice making a simple moment significant. Can't wait to follow this cards journey!



Purchased deck of cards to share with people that I notice making a simple moment significant. Can't wait to follow this cards journey!



Purchased deck of cards to share with people that I notice making a simple moment significant. Can’t wait to follow this cars journey!



I purchased a deck of cards to share them with others that I see making a difference. I want to share and start a positive energy wave with others to see our world become a better place.

I read your book ‘Significance in Simple Moments’ and was very moved by your story. Thank you for sharing. Just so you know, I passed the book and the 7 of Hearts card inside to a High School Teacher that makes a difference in the lives of her students every day.